Nicole Richie and Joel Madden: Bad Influences on Each Other?

A reader recently requested a report on the rumor that Nicole Richie is pregnant -- with the very apropos follow-up question "If she is, is she taking care of herself?" And now comes word that in addition to an alleged bump, Nicole has been sporting major bling, sparking talk that she is engaged to cheesy Good Charlotte "rocker" Joel Madden. {Source} All this, while the threat of a jail sentence hangs over her head. Clearly, there's a lot going on with Nicole right now! There's so much to cover, this may well end up being Part I in a series of posts on the twiggy troublemaker.
For now, let's start with a look at her relationship with Joel. Based on their horoscopes, it seems to me that they may well be compatible as a couple, in that there is chemistry and attraction between them ... but whether the relationship is a healthy influence on Nicole is another question entirely.
First, her Venus in Scorpio trines his Mars in Pisces -- a good aspect for loving sexual relationships, one that suggests an easy-flowing romantic dynamic between them. See Nicole Richie's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Joel Madden's birth chart (Vega Attractions, no birth time)
Yet Nicole's Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo also form a passionate -- but volatile --T-square with his Venus in Aquarius. This again augurs good sexual chemistry ... but it may also hint that the relationship with Joel is stirring up the tendency toward relationship drama described by Nicole's Venus in Scorpio– Mars in Leo square.
Venus in Scorpio is extremely possessive and controlling, while Venus in Aquarius tends to be a little more distant and arm's-length. There have been many online reports about Joel getting annoyed with Nicole's constant calling and clinginess, and here we may well see the Scorpio/Aquarius Venus dynamic in action. Joel pulling away from her clinginess and possessiveness may in turn activate Nicole's Mars in Leo, which goes ballistic with a dramatic outburst designed to command attention.
Joel's Chiron in Taurus opposite Nicole's Venus, making a grand cross with Mars, is also troubling, as it suggests the relationship could be hurtful to her in some way, possibly stirring up insecurities about her body (Chiron in Taurus) or her femininity.
I'm a little nervous, too, about the grand trine between the Sun in Pisces, retrograde Jupiter in Cancer, and Uranus in Scorpio in Joel's chart, suggesting that while he is a creative being with a rebellious streak (albeit a cheesy one), he has a tendency to get out of control and possibly give in to self-destructive Piscean tendencies. For someone with Nicole's history of self-destructive behavior (drugs, eating issues), this might not be such a good influence.
Plus, her Sun sextiles his Jupiter, while her Uranus trines his Jupiter (much more closely than his natal trine), suggesting that she might egg on his excessive ways. These two malleable mutable signs may well vibe off each other, but a lot of emotional energy is stirred up when they're together, and I'm not sure it has anywhere to go but ping-pong back and forth between them, getting caught up in all those squares and oppositions.
Since this post has already become quite lengthy, we will indeed have to table the discussion of Nicole's possible pregnancy and prison sentence for a future installment of the Richie saga. Stay tuned!
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Labels: Celebrity Couples, Joel Madden, Nicole Richie
Thanks for reporting on this. I am also a Virgo (Aug 25) who's found happiness with Pisces (March 2) which are a great love match as opposite signs. I have high hopes for Nicole and Joel! :)
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