Update: Nicole and Keith's Scorpio Connection

How much do j'adore Astrotheme, the French astrology site I recently discovered? After supplying me with a birth time for her ex the other day, Astrotheme also yielded a birth time for Miss Nicole Kidman, whose relationship with Keith Urban I recently chronicled here. ("Never Mind Keith -- Can Nicole Commit?")
Now, as I noted previously, Astrotheme does not list sources for birth time, that I could find anyway, so I can't vouch for where this data comes from and whether it has been confirmed. But just for fun, I plugged in the birth time to see whether it might account for the chemistry between Nicole and Keith, which seemed kinda lacking without their complete charts. Sadly, Astrotheme doesn't have a birth time for Keith. But getting a more exact picture of Nicole's chart does show a bit more in the way of a bond between them -- and I do mean a bit.
The 3:15 PM birth time gives Nicole a 6° Scorpio Ascendant, which is loosely conjunct Keith's Sun and puts his Mercury and Neptune in her first house. But his Sun is conjuncting her Ascendant from the 12th house, which is not such a great placement for a partnership. Keith's Scorpio Sun in Nicole's 12th could mean that he supports her from behind the scenes, but also might mean that on some level he is subtly manipulating and undermining her. Either way it seems like a weird dynamic for a relationship between two people who are stars in their own right. And yes, her Moon at 13° Sag squares his Venus, which could be kind of a sexy aspect, but with his Venus in Virgo in her 11th house of friends and acquaintances, it just doesn't seem like a very romantic aspect.
A composite chart showing their relationship dynamic is interesting, with five planets in Virgo. The Sun and Venus are very closely conjunct at 0° Virgo while Mercury, Pluto and Uranus are piled up in later degrees. Now, this does show an extremely tight bond, but perhaps almost a suffocating one. Without Keith's birth time, a composite can only tell me so much, but the dynamic seems kind of neurotic and repressive. Mars and Neptune conjunct in Scorpio certainly point to an erotic charge, but with all that Virgo this seems like a tightly managed relationship that doesn't really allow them to let their hair down.
This birth time could, again, be incorrect, and certainly the picture is still incomplete in any case without Keith's exact time of birth. But as yet I'm simply not seeing strong indicators that Nicole and Keith will last. There's something weird about that composite to me.
See Nicole's complete chart and Keith's noon-default-birth time chart on Astrotheme.
Labels: Celebrity Couples, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman
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