There Is a God, and He is Pissed at Mel Gibson

It's always so heartwarming when karmic forces amass against someone who really deserves a comeuppance. While Karl Rove still seems to be enjoying the protection of his contract with Satan, it appears that Mel Gibson did not get the memo that the universe abhors a bigot. As the news rolls in, the hole into which Mel's dug his career with this drunk-driving debacle just keeps getting deeper. Now his ABC miniseries about the Holocaust has been canceled {Source}, which sounds like a smart move on the part of network brass, since I'm guessing Mel is about as much of an expert on the Holocaust as Moby is on cheese steak.
Now, I have no problem with Mel being a Catholic, because everyone is entitled to their own spiritual convictions and it is wrong to judge anyone else's belief system. (Well, except Scientologists. Their belief system is a steaming load of crap if ever I have seen one.) But once you get into being hateful toward other groups, say, gays and Jewish people, you've definitely got some karma coming. Mel has made a big point of saying he's not anti-Semitic {Source}, but let's be real here. I mean, as those who know me will attest, I have been stinking, belligerent drunk on many, many occasions, and never once have I just happened to bust out with a whole bunch of anti-Semitic slurs. Ordered a series of "Guitar Rock of the '80s" CDs off of an infomercial, sang and danced along to the entire score of Jesus Christ Superstar, had ill-advised intercourse, yes—all of these things and more I have done while intoxicated, yet somehow I have managed to avoid hate speech. Gee, why do you suppose that is? Oh, right, BECAUSE I'M NOT FULL OF HATE.
Ahem, but I digress. Let me step back and strive for a more measured level of schadenfreude as we examine Mel's horoscope and find out why Yahweh has a bone to pick with him.
A Capricorn, Mel has a malefic conjunction of aggressive Mars and his Sun's ruler, stern Saturn, in Scorpio. This configuration gives him a tendency to be controlling, power-hungry and manipulative, and he definitely likes to be in charge. See Mel Gibson's birth chart (Astrotheme) An out-of-sign Mercury-Chiron conjunction makes Mel prone to say hurtful, wounding things in public.
Another out-of-sign conjunction, of Pluto in late Leo with Jupiter in Virgo, gives Mel something of a megalomaniacal cast. He is overweening and overreaching in his ambitions yet controlling and micromanaging. With Uranus in Leo in the 1st house, he likes to shake things up and shock people; he is a well-known prankster and seems to drop trou almost as much as Steve-O.
At the time of Mel's arrest (2:36 AM PDT on July 28, 2006 in Los Angeles), the approaching inconjunct aspect between authoritative Saturn in egomaniacal Leo, in his 2nd house of values, and volatile Uranus in self-destructive, addictive, martyr-complex Pisces, in his 9th house of beliefs and foreign cultures, was forming a yod configuration with Mel's Capricorn Sun that is just now waning in influence.
Transiting Saturn also opposes Mel's natal Venus, bringing confrontations with authority figures and some hard lessons about the nature of fame (Saturn in Leo), his image and his relationship with the public (Venus in Aquarius). With Mercury trining Mars-Saturn conjunction, he is particularly prone to lashing out in verbal outbursts to maintain his sense of control and power. Transiting Venus is opposing Mel's Sun from the 12th house of addiction and self-undoing. He is forced to take a hard look at himself now.
Mel is also experiencing his Chiron return, meaning that old wounds are coming to the surface now. Perhaps he can use this energy positively to shell out a guilt-ridden financial contribution to the Jewish community that would actually do some good, whether or not his intentions are sincere.
The next major aspect between Saturn and Uranus, the opposition, will fall right on Mel's IC/Midheaven (home/family vs. career/goals) in September 2009. This will be a major time of reckoning for Mel and could augur a total upset in his status—with his career either biting the dust once and for all or perhaps being reinvented in a new way. Mel's Midheaven is in Pisces, suggesting that he has a messiah complex of sorts; his highest ambition is to spread spirituality to the world. Perhaps the fall of 2009 will find Mel embracing a new calling as a cult leader.
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