The 5 Most Intriguing Celebrity Searches of the Month: July

Thanks so much to all regular CelebAstroBlogy readers and recent first-time visitors for a fabulous July. To my geeky delight, traffic continues to climb every month, and the outpouring of email and comments has been truly amazing and heartwarming. (With Uranus on my Venus, I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy toward the Interwebs at large.)
This month, the most popular search strings, by far, were various permutations of "does suri cruise exist," "suri cruise mystery" and "suri cruise conspiracy." Also popular were "did nicole and keith pick the wrong date?" and "nicole kidman pregnant." And, of course, there were the usual inquiries regarding J.Lo.
But, as faithful readers know, I have a peculiar fascination with the random, bizarro search strings by through people stumble on CelebAstroBlogy. Herewith, please find July's top five freaky search terms:
alex trebek figure skating ~ Am I missing something here? What's the connection?
swakopmund evil ~ I agree that it was annoying to figure out the time zone of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's Namibian birth city, but evil is a very strong word.
what did estelle getty do for her birthday this year ~ Stephanie, is that you?
90210 precious to me ~ Love!!! Can anyone find me an audio file of that classic David Silver slow jam?
yeardley smith s breasts ~ Okay, I've heard of a lot of disturbing fetishes in my day, but wanting to see Lisa Simpson topless is really beyond the beyond.
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