Poll of the Week: When Will Lindsay Lohan Hit Bottom?

Despite her recent on-set collapse prompting the latest of my repeated warnings as well as a written scolding from her currently filming flick's producers calling her a party-hearty "spoiled child" {Source}, Miss Lindsay Lohan flagrantly refuses to clean up her act. She has been seen unrepentantly clubbing with himbo beau Harry Morton and skanky, enabling mother Dina has come to her defense yet again. {Source} Clearly, Lindsay just will not learn, which is no great surprise considering her parents' stellar example.
With the way things are going, now it seems like a simple question of time before Lindsay bottoms out. How long do you think it will take before she crashes and burns?
The Poll of the Week is...
When will Lindsay Lohan hit bottom? ~ Vote
Voting closes Monday, August 7. Come back Tuesday, August 8 for the results!
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