Lance and Reichen: Will It Last?

Hardly has Lance Bass's triumphant coming-out story hit newsstands and already there are rumblings of trouble in paradise between him and partner Reichen Lehmkuhl. Leave it to the right-wing New York Post to rain on the gay pride parade! {Source} But still, these rumors warrant thorough astrological investigation. Are Reichen and Lance built to last?
I was unable to find Reichen's natal chart elsewhere online, so I am proud to present to you, dear readers, yet another CelebAstroBlogy birth chart exclusive:
See Reichen Lehmkuhl's birth chart ~ Exclusive to; no birth time
As a Capricorn, Reichen naturally gets along with fellow earth signs like Lance, a Taurus. Depending on his time of birth, Reichen's Moon is either in Capricorn or Aquarius; the former would reinforce their earth-sign bond while the latter would vibe with Lance's Leo Moon to spark an emotional attraction.
Reichen's expansive, emotionally generous Venus-Jupiter conjunction in progressive, unconventional Aquarius describes his out-and-proud attitude about his sexuality, and its square to Lance's security-oriented Taurus Sun suggests the way Reichen's influence has provoked Lance to be more open. But just how sharp was this provocation? Is the Post's source right to claim that "Reichen forced Lance to come out"?
With his driven, ambitious Capricorn Sun in a cardinal T-square with its ruler, authoritative Saturn, and power-hungry Pluto, Reichen definitely feels an almost inexorable pull toward success and may well be willing to use force to get it. This T-square definitely suggests the "controlling ways" referred to in the Post, to put it very mildly. Reichen is pretty much a control freak, and given his Mars in Taurus' sextile to Saturn and out-of-sign opposition to Uranus in late Libra, he may have quite the explosive temper if he doesn't get his way.
This streak of temper troubles me a bit, as Reichen's Mars is not far from Lance's Sun, and Lance could end up being the object of Reichen's aggression. I also don't like the fact that Reichen's Chiron (wounding) in Aries is on Lance's Mercury-Venus conjunction, casting a shadow of shame and pain on Lance's relationship issues when he already has a strong Chiron theme in his own natal chart.
Considering that Lance is still finding his own way as an out gay man, he might do well to find a partner who is less, ahem, dominant. The potential for an overly controlling dynamic is disturbing to me. That Sun-Saturn-Pluto T-square could impel Reichen to manipulate Lance for his own power-seeking purposes. Reichen has already received tons of publicity from the relationship and might be calculating enough to break Lance's heart as soon as the public learns to pronounce "Lehmkuhl." Lance, hon, if you decide to do a preemptive strike, I support you wholeheartedly. There are plenty more cute boys at the A-house!
Related: Lance Bass Comes Out: Better Late Than Never! (7/26/06)
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