Lance to Reichen: Ciao, Controlling Capricorn!

As an astrologer, it is both unprofessional and unbecoming of me to crow "Nyah-nyah! Told you so!" when predictable bad news befalls a celebrity. But when the (semi-) celeb in question is my old nemesis Reichen Lehmkuhl, who flatly refused my offer of astrological services even as I warned him about challenging times ahead, only to get dumped by boyfriend Lance Bass, well, all I can say is... Nyah-nyah! Told you so!
As longtime readers will recall, Reichen angrily rebutted my reading of his birth chart, in which I pronounced him a control freak who was out to dominate Lance and possibly use him for publicity. And yet the reported reasons for the breakup sound an awful lot like the controlling Capricorn I described:
"Page Six first reported the troubles Bass and Lehmkuhl were having due to the former Marine's insistence on Bass dropping his straight friends and not having a full-time job. Bass' friends also think Lehmkuhl maneuvered the former *NSYNC-er into coming out at the same time as his book debut, Here's What We'll Say." {Source}

News of the breakup comes as Mars and Jupiter are inconjunct Reichen's natal Saturn (ruler of his Capricorn Sun), nudging him to adjust his military-discipline M.O. and loosen up some of his rigid, tightly structured ways. See Reichen Lehmkuhl's birth chart ~ Exclusive to; no birth time
Meanwhile, Mars and Jupiter are trine Lance's natal Jupiter in passionate Leo. This could really be a time for him to blossom, open up and express himself. Maybe his Goat ex's goading was just what Lance needed to overcome his fears and start enjoying his life as an out and proud gay man. Evidently he already has a new boy-toy lined up. Go, Lance—spread your wings and leave that Type A ass behind!
• Update: Reichen Refuses a Birth Chart Reading (8/25/06)
• Reichen
Issues a Rebuttal to My Reading! (8/13/06)
• Lance
and Reichen: Will It Last? (7/31/06)
• Lance
Bass Comes Out: Better Late Than Never! (7/26/06)
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Labels: Celebrity Couples, Lance Bass, Reichen Lehmkuhl
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