Lindsay Lohan in Recovery: I Totally Called It!

Okay, maybe it's bad karma to feel so schadenfreudetastic about someone else's problems, even when that someone is rich, spoiled, young and skinny. But it just so happens that I am 2 for 2 in plotting the tipping points of Lindsay Lohan's downward spiral. First I predicted that Lindsay would get her heart broken in September, and indeed her longtime-by-Lindsay-standards beau Harry Morton dumped her that month. Then I warned Lindsay that if she kept self-medicating she could end up in rehab by Thanksgiving:
By the time Uranus stations in a near-exact trine to her Sun on November 20, Lindsay could be challenging Whitney Houston's candidacy for mayor of Train Wreck City. If Lindsay ends up in the hospital again around that time, she may not be so lucky as to get out in time for dinner and clubbing. Don't be surprised if Lindsay ends up spending Thanksgiving in rehab. {Full story}
Now, after a fog of a Thanksgiving weekend during which she accused She Who Shall Not Be Named, For Publicity Feeds Her Horrible Power, of hitting her, and then denied ever making such a claim, comes news that Lindsay is attending AA meetings. Okay, so it's not an in-house recovery program (which I'm guessing LiLo actually needs, considering reports that she has still been sighted out clubbing even as she hits the 12 steps), but at least she's making strides toward getting help.
With Venus transiting her natal Uranus, she is still going through a chaotic time of ups and downs, especially as relationships are concerned (think: her on-again, off-again feud with SWSNBNFPFHHP). We might see another outburst out of Lindsay around December 11, when the Sun conjuncts her natal Uranus, and some addictive behavior around Christmas, when the Sun will be on her natal Neptune. An even more intense time awaits her next spring, when Saturn will be on her Venus and Jupiter on her Uranus. The pressure of responsibility and its impact on her relationships may cause Lindsay to burst and act out in a big way.
For now, as transiting Jupiter approaches the conjunction to her natal Saturn, Lindsay has a good chance to grow into the responsibility of being an adult and creating the structure for herself that her immature parents obviously were incapable of providing her. But the turbulent Uranus in Pisces influence could win out and bring Lindsay more substance-related troubles. Hopefully attending AA meetings will give her the inspiration and support she needs to get her life and career on track.
Related: • Lindsay Lohan: Dumped During a Saturn-Venus Transit (9/23/06) • Poll Results: When Will Lindsay Lohan Hit Bottom? (8/08/06) • Poll of the Week: When Will Lindsay Lohan Hit Bottom? (7/31/06) • Dehydration Deja Vu for Lindsay Lohan (7/28/06) • Birthday Predictions for Lindsay Lohan: More Trouble Ahead? (4/30/06) • More Warning Signs for Lindsay Lohan (4/30/06) • Lindsay Lohan: Intervention Time Again! (4/23/06) • Lindsay Lohan's World Hospital Tour (2/1/06)
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