Ashlee Simpson's Nose News

Ashlee Simpson is trying to be all sly about whether she in fact had a nose job, even though her flack has already confirmed it, duh. [Source] And anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the rhinoplasty question is entirely rhetorical, considering the smoking gun on Ashlee's face. But let's explore the issue from an astrological perspective, shall we?
In Ashlee's natal chart, Chiron, the planet of wounding, retrograde in changeable Gemini, is in the 8th house of surgery, inconjuncting Venus in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, and ruling planet of her Libra Sun. Venus represents the feminine sensibility and ideals of beauty. See Ashlee Simpson's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
As Jupiter (growth, expansion) in Scorpio (also associated with the 8th house and surgery) retrogrades over her Venus, Ashlee may have felt that "correcting" (retrograde) a flaw (Chiron) in her beauty (Venus) with surgery (Scorpio, 8th house) would be the minor adjustment (inconjunction) she needed for her career to take off (Jupiter).
Furthermore, transiting Uranus is trining Ashlee's power-hungry Saturn in Scorpio, which is just five degrees away from her Venus. This is another indication that Ashlee felt she needed to make a minor, yet sudden and drastic, change to her looks in order to jumpstart her career.
I only wish that Ashlee's birth time were available, but this analysis would be particularly fitting if she was born with Gemini rising and Chiron in the first house of appearance. Since Ashlee is known for her dramatic changes in her looks, starting with the switch from blonde to black and back again, a Gemini Ascendant (appearances, first impressions, the face we project to the world) would describe her very aptly. Gemini also rules siblings, and Ashlee was known to the world as "Jessica's little sister" before she became a personality in her own right.
But people, let's be real here. Going back to the original nose job issue, I have to say, the above paragraphs of astrological analysis were really kinda superfluous. See, here's the thing: Pretty much anyone who LOOKS AT A PICTURE OF HER can tell what happened to Ashlee. This is one mystery that is as plain as the nose on...well, you know. You could be deaf, dumb and blind and still know instantly from running your finger down Ashlee's April and May noses that she made a little change.
Ashlee, just own it! Be who you are! Libra Suns hate being confronted or put on the spot, the Venus-Saturn conjunction in your natal chart makes you secretive, and that Mars-Neptune conjunction makes you think it's all cool to hide your actions. But sometimes you just need to fess up, stop making up stories about acid reflux or whatever, and admit the obvious.
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